
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hi! It’s been a week. I’m thankful, alive, and well, but It’s been more of a difficult week. Chose to press into that though. Understanding that days are gonna get rough on the field. That honeymoon phase fizzling out. Asking the Lord to remind me why I said yes. What my purpose is in being here.

Having to remind myself that everyday looks different, but we have the choice to step into God and see what He’s doing. Challenge ourselves to see the purpose again. “The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him.” Lamentations 3:25

One of my teammates Klay and I led a bible study this week about affirmations and we encouraged everyone to write their own about what God says about them. It genuinely challenged me and I didn’t know how useful it would be in this week. I’ve been thinking about mine this week and wrote them down today. “God, what do you say about me and my identity in you?” Attached some verses to them, so I can look at them and know He is speaking that over me and begin to speak that truth over myself.

I received a lot of constructive feedback this week and I wanted it, but getting it felt a little different than I thought. It was challenging. Opened me up to new things to think about. How I was gonna receive and respond to feedback. It’s been hard, but I’ve enjoyed the challenge. It’s struck me with calling my dad and being lost in my identity a bit and him hitting me with a “you left us a great human and after receiving that feedback, you are still a great human.” How comforting haha! Father Scot is great. Realizing the Lord works with intention and Him setting it all up with us leading a Bible study about identity and then during that week my identity being challenged. Thanks God. Going to the Lord instead of always going to my physical father has continued to teach me so much as well. God convicting me two nights ago after receiving some feedback that began to build some anger and bitterness in my heart and Him saying “What about me? You know you can come to me. You can come cry with me. You can talk to me.” Calling the parentals and my best friend felt a lot easier but I said yes to not calling them and pressed into Him and felt Him challenge me to hard conversations.

All this challenging stuff this week, but still choosing to see His goodness and Him showing me all the good He’s doing. I watched 7 baptisms this week. SEVEN. Watched 7 people give their life to Christ. Walked in water up to my chest for about thirty minutes to a house where we shared the gospel to this man, where he ended up giving his life to Lord. Prayed and layed my hands on 6 women as they gave their life to the Lord. Oh, how good the Lord is. Getting to hug and love on these kids in the villages. Having to say my goodbyes to them, but knowing the ministry that we are working with is all for them and them knowing Jesus. Getting to watch my friends evangelize and hearing stories of how that went for them. Talking to my hosts more about all their stories and getting to see the benefits of their sacrifices.

God is working. God is good. And I’m so thankful to be here.

Love you all..

Peace and love..

And a good morning from Cambodia!



Hand hug on tuktuk 😁 walking and talking with the people in the villages Baptisms !!!!!

giant (dead) worm in a place that flooded

the mans house who gave his life to the Lord

dessert for the people in the village.. bread and condensed milk 🫡

praying before dessert

Last time seeing these girls 🥲

2 responses to “Understanding difficulty, but choosing to see His goodness”

  1. Maya,
    Your blog is incredibly raw and moving. Please know that I am praying for you! ❤️ Specifically that you will be reminded of your purpose and that you bring everything to the Lord!!
    “casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.”
    ‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭5‬:‭7‬ ‭ESV‬‬

    Your obedience to the Lord is inspiring. God is so good!!
    Just remember, even on the hard days, He’s still good!!!

    “Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!”
    ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭34‬:‭8‬ ‭ESV‬‬

    Danielle Spears (Alyssa’s mom) ❤️