
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

HOT SPRINGS with the ladies we were working with at our ministry 😆😆

Ps. This is from last week.. I’m now home with my fam 🙂 debriefing, processing, and all tha good stuff 

So about a month or two before this trip I got invited to go see a documentary about sex trafficking/exploitation from the perspective of men. It was one of the hardest, heart wrenching, but eye opening watches I’ve ever had. I was wanting to expose myself to the topic before going on this trip, so I felt it would be somewhat of an eye opener to understand the topic more. I’ve never had such weird emotions hitting me whilst heading home from a movie. It’s such an awful, but redeeming topic. This documentary shared the stories of 5+ men that were once involved in the increase of exploitation. It shared how it all started for them, how much they didn’t know and how much they are now educated on the topic. Around this time the new “Sound of Freedom” movie had just come out so i got a double wammy of exposure. I mean nothing can compare to actually seeing all of it in person, but perspective and exposure is so good on the topic to see how much you can get involved in your area, how to support around the world, and to just see what goes on outside our bubbles. There are so many hubs, (ATL being a huge one), but as I traveled Asia I learned so much more about how exploitation is viewed elsewhere. How there’s not much choice involved and how much these women and kids need our help. Our time, our willingness, our God. During my time in Thailand, we began working with a ministry which main goal is to end exploitation. They are a beautiful ministry that I got to have the honor to learn about and walk aside for almost a month. I met many incredible people that have laid their life down for the Lord in greatest benefit of the women in Thailand. We got to lead church services for the women, work on the red light district, help out where it was needed (painting rooms/journals, organizing, filling tea bags, or moving things to new locations). We all got to build some mighty, beautiful relationships with the women in this ministry. These that will hold such a special place in my heart. I am more than thankful for each and every one of their hearts that loved so big. I thank God for the time I was able to spend in Thailand with these ladies building relationships and learning about how exploitation can look depending on where you’re at in the World. I’m thankful for my preparation and the kind people in my life that led me to it. This documentary and movie is something God led me to share on, because it genuinely helped open my eyes to the issue. One of my teammates Ellie reached out to our ministry host in hope for some resources that we could bring home to show and inform others more on the situation. She kindly shared more than enough and one of the sources was the documentary I watched before I left to come on this trip, so i’ll be including the link to “Exodus Cry” who made the film. One of her main goals is “to get more men involved and to be doing anti-demand work as well.” I have learned so much from her and am grateful for her time and dedication to these ladies/ministry and to us. Everything she showed us opened our eyes to how consistency and patience is a huge part of this type of ministry, ministry in general. Saying your yes to God and following through, letting Him work through you and the people around you. It was beautiful when we got to go out to the bars and walk with our ministry host as she would take us to sit, play games and talk with some of the ladies that she has built relationships with for the past months or years. Really got to see how slow and steady our God is and what laying your life down to Him can look like. What an honor it was to serve overseas these past few months. Again, a huge thank you to everyone who poured into the financial part of my trip and everyone who has been praying for me these past few months. Much love to you all and see you very, very soon! I’m home Saturday 🙂

walking to ministry

blurry photos with my ministry group .. my girls 🙂

Waiting for a grab

pad Thai two days in a row ???

sticky falls 🙏🏼

the BEST Thai food from the ladies at the ministry we were working with.. made it right in front of us AND OMG the spice, the flavors GAHLLEEE