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Thoughts & Inspiration

I believe it was my sophomore year in high school when I started dreaming of my gap year. My dream to go on the mission field and serve. It is now the “official” day two of my training camp to get me ready to go out and serve on the mission field!! When I was getting ready for this trip, i truthfully kept telling myself “no expectations.” I just knew I was here ready to learn what it was going to be like on the field. And day one at camp they explained the deep care they had for my heart and that “Jesus has to be real in my life to be real to others.” So in preparation, they warned us about the intensity of the training, but they were there to walk it out with us. We’re doing many debriefs a day and it’s been so interesting finding out how much they care for each of our hearts. Learning things without a single person you know in the room besides Jesus is something I’ve never experienced and it’s quite interesting, but I can say it’s completely changed me. I began crying today during one of our debriefs. My dad told me when I first signed up for this trip that it is going to be quite important that I know MY Fathers voice (emphasis on the MY) and that’s something I’ve been exploring more and more and during this training God has brought it up many, many times. I’ve legit talked about it everyday since I’ve gotten here and today He brought it up when we were debriefing our session about what filter we have over scripture. God was like BRO YOU GOTTA KNOW ME! Im YOUR Father, not Scots, My. Yours. He is yours. In conclusion, his timeline is wild and so, so perfect.

Side note.. being completely humbled over here. Currently camping in the woods and taking bucket showers. Port-a potties YAS! Rinsing my hair underneath a houses hose faucet haha (this was my brilliant choice of wanting to get some version of clean). Just a few of the many of Maya being gracefully humbled. And we thank Jesus.

Thank you again for all the support and prayers family!
Peace and love always,

My <3